Benefits Of React Native For Mobile App Develop

It would be hard to find someone that doesn’t use mobile and mobile apps nowadays. There is 85% of people spend their time using mobile apps and get their daily tasks completed, whether they learn new skills, order food or products, transfer money, or get information. 

But we all know how complex and time-consuming the process is to build a mobile application from scratch for different operating systems like Android and iOS, even, without using pre-made components, libraries, and plugins. 

Thanks to the mobile app development framework as it makes the app development process faster, easier, and more effective for the developers.

There is a most popular app development framework used to develop a mobile app with a single code base that runs smoothly on multiplatform android and iOS.

In this article, we are going to talk about several benefits of React Native for mobile app development and why you should be using this technology in your tech stack.

So keep on reading.

What is React Native?

n order to construct apps for iOS and Android, Meta designed the UI (user interface) software framework known as React Native. It is entirely based on the JavaScript programming language. 

When Facebook first started doing business, it decided not to create a native app as many of its rivals did at the time, choosing instead to offer its services completely through a webpage built purely in HTML. However, this was Facebook’s biggest flaw. 

But soon in 2013, Jordan Walke a former software engineer at Facebook made a groundbreaking discovery by generating UI elements for iOS by using javascript which acted as a spark for the growth of the company.  

This framework will help you to create natively rendered mobile applications for android and iOS. Using the same codebase, the framework enables you to develop an application for a variety of platforms. 

It’s amazing that some of the most popular mobile applications in the world, including Instagram, Facebook, and Skype, are backed by React Native development.

There isn’t surprising that most of the world’s biggest apps are built using React Native and a beginner who is coming into this field is choosing this framework for app development.

Let’s dive more deeply to know why React Native is more popular than other technology.

1. Time, cost, and energy effective

React Native’s greatest benefit is its code flexibility, which eliminates the need for developers to create unique code for each operating system (OS), such as iOS and Android, as almost 80 to 90% of codes may be used for both OSes.

It has lots of code libraries that boost the developer’s productivity while also saving significant time.

Even it is also known as low-code development and is easy to maintain which means developers can save lots of energy so they can do their work effectively.

2. Enhances the app’s overall performance 

React Native apps are faster than web-based cross-platform solutions since they use natively developed code. 

React Native’s explicit claim is that it performs “native-like,” although this claim is not always accurate; the most accurate term that can be given is “near-native” experience.

This is all possible because of the language’s optimization for mobile platforms. This framework utilizes the graphics processing unit (GPU) in addition to the central processor (CPU). 

They are hence considerably quicker than most cross-platform hybrid technologies. 

3. Used for cross-platform development

The construction of software applications that are accessible with many mobile operating systems is known as cross-platform mobile development. 

React Native fall into the cross-platform app development category as these frameworks build apps that can run across both Android and iOS platforms with a single code base.

Initially, the challenge of creating a backend that functioned across several platforms added to the complexity of creating mobile apps. 

But now React Native made building cross-platform mobile applications easy as a pie. 

4. Open-source framework

We all know that software development requires a high amount of time that’s why companies have developed open-source framework models or templates where a community of software engineers gathers and publish their works. 

These open-source frameworks serve as the building blocks for creating software applications and are available to everyone.

Similarly, react native is a free front-end javascript library for creating interface designs based on UI components. 

Also, read about the Best mobile app development frameworks.

5. Code Reusability

What would happen if you can use the same code for other applications you have pre-made components and modules, you just need to customize them as per your requirements. 

Imagine by doing this you can save your time and increase your productivity as well.

React Native’s primary benefit is that developers are not required to write separate scripts or codes for various OS i.e, Android and iOS. 

In reality, 90% or more of the code may be used again and again on the two platforms, greatly enhancing efficiency and speeding up the development process. 

Developers have the freedom to reuse the code in the next project which makes development easier and prevents getting errors in the project. As a result, less workload and fast delivery.