What Is The Importance Of UI UX Design?

UI UX design plays a vital role in your website or mobile application and it ensures that the website or application stands out from the crowd.

A good UI UX design makes your product more accessible, easy to navigate, and understandable for users that deliver a better user experience. 

It also creates the foundation for an enjoyable and efficient user experience that can help attract more users, drive engagement, create a brand identity, and increase conversions.

Good UI UX design can increase conversions by up to 50% and reduce support calls by up to 50%.

Due to its several benefits, you can’t ignore the importance of UI UX design.

The intention of this article is to show you why UI UX  design is important and what are the benefits of it.

But before moving to the main intent, let us clear out the basics of UI and UX.

What is user interface (UI) Design? 

UI stands for the user interface. Simply put,  a software application’s graphical interface side is called the user interface or simply the side users interact with.

Basically, UI design determines how the website and mobile application will be presented and how it will look on desktop, mobile, and other devices. 

It comprises objects such as the buttons they click, the text they read, the graphics, sliders, comment boxes, and the rest.

This covers every single micro-interaction, transition, as well as screen layouts, and interface animations. Design is required for every visual component, interactive feature, and animation. 

What is user experience (UX) Design? 

UX stands for user experience. Simply put, user experience is the process of developing and improving the quality of experience of users when they visit an app or website.

Basically, UX design determines how users will interact and navigate with products and how they will find out what they are looking for.

It comprises objects such as the speed of the website and app, easy-to-use functions, compatibility with all devices and technology, etc.

In conclusion, the success and failure of the product you’ve built depend on user experience (UX). 

If users bounce or exit your website and application too early without using functionality and never visit again, it is an indication of a bad user experience.

1. Improves engagement rate

A good UI UX design helps improve the user engagement rate of the website and application by making it easier for users to navigate and understand each of the features of the product.

To empower user engagement rate ensure that every element of the design is well optimized for the user’s needs and that they can easily find what they want on your site or app.

2. Increases conversion rate and ROI

If customers accidentally visit your website but find it a useful source for their problem and a website looks professional due to its outstanding UI design, they are more likely to purchase a product from your website.

Even if they found your product quality, they might be happier to purchase from you again.

Simply put, a professional look and well-designed landing page can increase your trust for you in the user’s mind which converts into potential leads and drives more conversions.

One study through Forrester suggests that every $1 spent on a smooth user experience can bring back up to $100.

So focus on great UX research and map the user journey in order to get higher ROI (Return on investment).

3. Makes brand building an easy peasy thing

If you are a business owner, then I am pretty sure you are aware of the fact that the retention of devoted clients is the primary goal of any business, and UI and UX designs are the sources that make it possible.

The best way to get to know your customer is by asking them for feedback about how their time was on your website. Did they find it easy to use? Or what are the things they might like improvised versions of? 

Perfection in the UI UX design enhances credibility and builds a strong brand identity for your business.

UI UX design can help create a positive impression of a brand that can influence user loyalty and trust.

4. Time and Money Conserving

To be honest; it’s like a one-time investment. You will save a lot more time and money in the long run if you construct your website with solid UI and UX designs in the beginning.

There are so many types of web development such as eCommerce, CMS, cross-platform, blogging, and more but building a wireframe of the website makes it easy to visualize ideation to see what it will look like while opening a website.

Web design is a tremendously worthwhile investment for your company.

Therefore, it is recommended that you should always research the needs for a website’s user interface and user design in advance. This way you can save thousands of bucks without putting a dent in your wallet. 

5. Boost SEO ranking

Before continuing to how UI UX will help you boost your website’s SEO ranking, first, you have to understand the basics of SEO.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It refers to the process of making changes to your website to make it more visible when users search for goods or services associated with your company on search engines such as Bing, yahoo, and google. 

The more visible your pages are in search results, the higher possibility it is that you’ll get noticed and draw both new and returning clients to your company.

Now, user experience is the strong ranking signal in order to get a higher ranking on SERP. 

If a visitor stays for a long time and takes any actions on your website, it’s a stronger indication to search engines that this website provides the best answer to the user’s query and would give you a higher ranking.

6. Helps to lead users

UI/UX design helps to lead users through websites, apps, and other digital products by providing them with a visually appealing, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface. 

Through the strategic placement of visual cues, such as color and typography, UI/UX design provides users with the information and tools they need to navigate the product. 

By utilizing UX best practices, design teams can ensure that their products create a positive user experience and lead users to their intended goals.

Pro-tip: Before you finish building a website or mobile app for your client make sure that you build some prototypes to show them in advance in this way if they need some changes you can do it beforehand.